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Suppressed Nirvana Tower

Suppressed Nirvana Tower

2 total reviews

Regular price $34.99 USD
Regular price $59.99 USD Sale price $34.99 USD
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A modified version of our Nirvana Tower with 6 suppressed intakes, for suppression added to a tower experience.

Limited run. The discounted price reflects the function on the tower not passing our quality / performance testing. These nails were ordered to test suppression which was successful, however we need to dial in the airflow more before offering this again at full price. 

Use with a cap/marble. This nail may be used with or without a quartz pillar/pearl, it is entirely optional for this nail.


  • ~30mm OD Dish, ~16mm Vertical Barrel, ~65mm Tall
  • 10mm Joint Size
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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Benny Marker
Great banger. Just doesn't spin pillars

Badass banger, great suppression and airflow. Only downside is it doesn't spin pillars. Spins pearls perfectly. Awesome banger using a pearl especially for the price.

Appreciate your words! The Suppressed Nirvana Tower is something we are looking to rework because even though the suppression worked, the autospinning function did not function the way we had hoped as you noticed hence why we threw it on clearance. Thank you for the kind words!

Once we can master the suppression we'll work on releasing a v2 that will work with pillars.

John Drozda
Can't wait for the 2.0

Put a hollow pillar into this thing and it does best with resin. I would like to see the 2.0 have the same thickness in the tower as the dish (for use with heating ovens. I always end up having to heat the tower a 2nd time because the dish is thicker.) along with a longer tower length and better suppression intake. Great banger all the same! I'll be buying the 2.0 on drop day as I'm sure it'll be greatly improved. Om quartz is now my go to affordable banger shop.

Appreciate your words! The Suppressed Nirvana Tower is something we are looking to rework because even though the suppression worked, the autospinning function did not function the way we had hoped hence why we threw it on clearance. Thank you for the kind words!